Government and Opposition Clash Amidst Pensioner Protest Repression in Congress
Tensions are escalating in Argentina as government officials and opposition members are trading accusations following a forceful crackdown on a pensioner protest taking place in front of the National Congress. The incident, which occurred this Wednesday, is leaving at least 21 injured and 150 detained, triggering a wave of condemnations and political fallout.
The Events Unfold
According to á (2025), the protest, primarily organized by pensioners demanding increased benefits, is drawing a heavy-handed response from the Federal Police, under the guidance of Security Minister Patricia Bullrich. Witnesses are reporting the use of batons and tear gas against demonstrators, including elderly citizens and football fans, who are gathering to voice their grievances.
Opposition's Outcry
The response from opposition factions is swift and sharp. The Unión Cívica Radical (UCR), as cited in á (2025), is issuing a strong statement condemning the «ferocious attack on pensioners». The UCR is accusing Bullrich of inciting violence through her rhetoric, which culminated in the injuries of numerous protesters. The party is demanding a thorough investigation into disturbing incidents, such as the beating of an elderly woman by a police officer and the grave injury of photographer Pablo Grillo, who is struck by a gas canister.
The UCR is also calling for peace, restoration of the rule of law, and respect for the republican system, denouncing what it perceives as threats to the division of powers by President Milei. As á (2025) reports, the party asserts that necessary transformations cannot be achieved by trampling rights and institutions, but rather through dialogue and respect for differences.
«The UCR repudiates the ferocious attack on pensioners who demonstrated today to claim their rights. The transformations that this country needs will not be achieved by overwhelming rights and institutions but by consolidating dialogue and respect,» Unión Cívica Radical (@UCRNacional, 2025).
Legislators Join the Fray
Several legislators from Unión por la Patria (UxP) and the Frente de Izquierda (FIT) are interrupting their session to join and support the protesters, as á (2025) states. Among them are Gisela Marziotta, Leandro Santoro, and others, who are expressing solidarity with the demonstrators. Deputy Itai Hagman denounces the government’s actions as authoritarian, accusing it of fearing popular mobilization.
Esteban Paulón, of the Santa Fe socialism, is also criticizing the repression, highlighting Bullrich’s history of implementing austerity measures that affected pensioners. Paula Penacca, a UP deputy, characterizes the police response as «brutal» and attributes it to a political decision to starve and discipline the people, holding Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich, and Jorge Macri responsible, according to á (2025).
Juan Grabois, a social leader, is taking a more vehement stance, calling for the defeat of what he describes as a «caterva de hijos de puta», emphasizing the importance of courage over fear.
«Rubber bullets and gas against retirees who only ask to live with dignity. Bullrich has not changed: in 2001 she cut 13% of their assets, today she represses them in the street. It is not security, it is state violence against those who have less,» Esteban Paulón (@EstebanPaulon, 2025).
Officialdom Responds
On the government side, Deputy Lilia Lemoine, an ally of President Milei, is pointing fingers at the opposition, accusing them of seeking a coup or economic destabilization reminiscent of the 2001 crisis. Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni is condemning what he describes as an attack on the Casa Rosada, referencing damage to memorials for victims of the pandemic as reported by á (2025).
Bullrichist Deputy Damián Arabia is expressing gratitude to the security forces for enabling the congressional session to proceed and offering support to injured officers. Nicolás del Caño, a deputy from the Left Front, is denouncing the repression and accusing LLA deputies of disrupting quorum in Congress, as cited in á (2025).
The Aftermath and Implications
The events surrounding the pensioner protest and the subsequent reactions from political actors are highlighting the deep divisions and heightened tensions within Argentina. The accusations and counter-accusations are suggesting a broader struggle over the direction of the country and the handling of social unrest.
- Á (2025). El oficialismo y la oposición cruzaron acusaciones por la represión a jubilados en el Congreso. Retrieved from [](
- Esteban Paulón [EstebanPaulon]. (2025, March 12). Balas de goma y gases contra jubilados que solo piden vivir con dignidad. Bullrich no cambió: en 2001 les recortó el 13% de sus haberes, hoy los reprime en la calle. No es seguridad, es violencia estatal contra quienes menos tienen. [Tweet]. X. [](
- Unión Cívica Radical [UCRNacional]. (2025, March 13). #Comunicado | La Unión Cívica Radical repudia el feroz ataque a los jubilados que se manifestaron hoy para reclamar por sus derechos.Las transformaciones que este país necesita no se lograrán avasallando derechos e instituciones sino consolidando el diálogo y el respeto. [Tweet]. X. [](