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Mario Draghi

Draghi insta a la UE a realizar inversiones conjuntas para evitar el declive
EconomíaHace 54 días

Draghi insta a la UE a realizar inversiones conjuntas para evitar el declive

Mario Draghi, expresidente del BCE, advierte sobre la necesidad de inversiones conjuntas en la UE para enfrentar desafíos globales y evitar la decadencia del bloque europeo.
The urgent call to save Europe from fragmentation
EconomíaHace 66 días

The urgent call to save Europe from fragmentation

Mario Draghi, former president of the ECB, warns of an "existential challenge" facing the European Union due to fragmentation, over-regulation, inadequate regulation, insufficient spending, and excessive conservatism. He advocates for radical reforms to address these issues and strengthen the bloc's competitiveness and resilience in a rapidly changing and increasingly fragmented world.