Tato Alexander: Navigating Between Comedy and Drama in Film and Theater

Tato Alexander is currently immersed in a diverse array of projects, showcasing her versatility as an actress in both film and theater. According to Omar A. G. Pardavé (2024) from Milenio, she is presently involved in the dark comedy «Pérdida Total» and the stage production «Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda.» This dual commitment highlights her ability to transition seamlessly between comedic and dramatic roles, appealing to a broad audience.

«Pérdida Total»: A Comedy of Errors

«Pérdida Total», slated for release on March 27th, is a film directed by Enrique Begné, starring Leonardo Ortizgris, Héctor Kotsifakis, Joaquín Cosío, and Alejandro Calva. Alexander plays Tere, the wife of Claudio (Ortizgris), a character she describes as someone highly motivated by money and seeking a successful partner, only to be disappointed by Claudio (Pardavé, 2024). The film revolves around Claudio's attempts to fraudulently claim insurance on his truck, a plan that spirals out of control when a drug lord's son is found dead inside the vehicle.

Alexander secured her role through a casting call in 2022, and filming wrapped up later that year. She expresses her enthusiasm for the script penned by Ernesto Anaya and Enrique Begné, noting the director's clear vision for the film's comedic tone. «Enrique Begné had a very clear idea of the comedy's tone from the beginning and, as a good director, made sure all the actors were homogeneous in that tone. Working the dynamics of realistic comedy is always fun,» Alexander stated (Pardavé, 2024).

A Darkly Comedic Twist

Unlike her previous, lighter comedic roles, Alexander emphasizes the ironic and dark nature of «Pérdida Total.» Set in the 1990s, the film offers a glimpse into how societal norms have evolved over the past three decades, using language and terms that might provoke different reactions today. According to Alexander, her scenes primarily involve Leonardo Ortizgris and Joaquín Cosío, whom she praises as highly professional and enjoyable to work with. She also recounts the positive reception the film received at the Morelia Film Festival, where audiences appreciated its humor and unpredictable ending, raising her hopes for a similar response upon its nationwide release (Pardavé, 2024).

«Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda»: Theater and Patriarchy

Concurrently with her film work, Tato Alexander is also performing in the play «Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda,» running from March 13th to April 6th at the Zócalo in Mexico City as part of the Tiempo de Mujeres, Festival por la Igualdad. Performances are free and take place every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This play, written by Sabina Berman, delves into the patriarchal legacy of the Mexican Revolution's leaders, exploring this theme through the relationship between a man and a woman and metaphorical representations of ideologies from that era (Pardavé, 2024).

A Career of Versatility and Recognition

Born in Guadalajara, Tato Alexander began her acting career at a young age, earning recognition in national projects like «El Alien y yo» and internationally with «Una historia del diablo en Nueva York.» Her talent has been acknowledged with a nomination for the Revelation Actress award in 2012 by the Association of Theater Critics and Journalists, followed by a win for Best Actress in Monologue in 2014 from the same association. Her resume includes «Back Door» on Comedy Central and a variety of films for streaming services like Prime Video and Netflix, including the recent «No Negociable.»

Alexander's dedication to both film and theater underscores her artistic versatility. Her ability to navigate between comedic and dramatic roles reflects a commitment to exploring the complexities of human experience through diverse narratives. As she continues to engage in various projects, Tato Alexander is solidifying her position as a prominent figure in the Mexican entertainment industry. Working in both areas enriches her acting abilities, allowing her to bring a unique perspective to each role she undertakes.


Pardavé, O. A. G. (2024, March 27). Tato Alexander. En cine y teatro, ahora va de la comedia al drama. Milenio. Retrieved from https://www.milenio.com/espectaculos/tato-alexander-navega-entre-el-cine-y-el-teatro