Marvel Heroes Reimagined in the Fashion World with a Feminine Eye

A new edition of fashion forward was held on September 31 and October 1, where the 85th anniversary of Marvel comics was celebrated in a peculiar way, as several of the best-known heroes were reimagined to create looks on a fashion catwalk. That's why, in an interview for MILENIO, the designers behind this tell us about how they lived the experience.

On September 31, the 85th anniversary of Marvel was celebrated with a fashion show where several looks inspired by the iconic heroes were created, so Natalia Silva, in charge of Avengers, tells us about the challenge it meant “Beyond feeling the confidence of Disney and Marvel to put these characters in our hands, what makes it special is this twist around women and giving these characters the spotlight and that makes it quite unique”.

For his part, Daniel Herranz, who was also in charge of Avenger, assured: “This project went through many stages, we thought about how to do it so that it would feel like an attraction to the world of designers and the world of superheroes, I think that the idea of generating these collaborations was great because there were very interesting things (...) In the end, the goal was achieved, much inspiration comes from male superheroes, but the inspiration for a feminine look is quite interesting”.

How was it to Reimagine Superheroes in the Fashion World?

One of the challenges in the case of those in charge of Marvel was changing the gender of several superheroes.

“It felt forced to translate everything into this feminine language, because initially we imagined how to bring Captain America to fashion, but keep him in his gender, but when the request was made it was an interesting challenge to reimagine everything, what helped was that you can find in the stories, not only the idea of the supers, if not who they are”

For her part, Gracinha Cabrera, in charge of Spiderman, talks about how what helped was entering the character and talking about who he is and is not a superhero.

“There the great challenge was finding the story, knowing where they came from and how to break them down to find looks that could represent their lives and not their characters, in the case of venom it was easier being an alien, in the case of Spiderman the challenge was that he did not lose his essence, it was a great team effort”

But something that affected a lot was the vision that the films have given to people, as explained by Vill Vegas, who was in charge of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ “before they were very different, we had the indication to address the part of the comic, then we thought how to work the aesthetics of the comic, so we went with the silhouette, the personality and it also helped us to know the models"

Daniel, for his part, complements: “The idea that the collection is inspired by the comics and having traversed the entire universe in the cinema is weird, because we played characters that were not very well received in the films”.

Although the biggest challenge was that the characters continued to convey the same essence, as Lorena Michel mentioned “X-Men was a challenge to transform these characters that already represent a lot of strength, Rogue, storm, to maintain the concept of superheroes to give us the opportunity to explore the themes of diversity and resistance.

The Marvel catwalk was a celebration of superheroes, fashion, superheroes and the strength of women, whether designing a look or inspiring a comic.